
Blackthorn is an ancient favourite of cottage home remedies, especially using the sloe fruits. It is worth learning how to use Blackthorn safely.

As with all natural remedies consumption of Blackthorn
should be guided by a qualified herbalist or physician.
This information here is for information purposes only,
and certainly not for prescription.

best use ...  

make a syrup with the sloes as a remedy for colds and flu

qualities of Blackthorn are said to be ...

aperient - gentle laxative
astringent - reduces fluid loss, constricts tissues, such as stop bleeding
diaphorectic - opens the pores and promotes perspiration
diuretic - increases urination, useful when clearing toxins
stomachic - tonic action on the stomach

toxicity? ...  as all plants have a nourishing level and toxic level

It is unlikely that humans will consume enough plant material to be toxic, but as Blackthorn has an effect on blood flow the guidance of a professional herbalist is highly recommended, and essential if you are on regular pharmaceutical medicines.

Syrup made from the sloe berries are an old home remedy to help fight nasty colds and flu.

Blackthorn flowers are edible and safe to eat and can be added to salads.
The leaves create a pleasant tea when dried, but drink in moderation..

The dried juice of the berries is a better alternative to gum acacia for fixing foods such and candies and desserts.

Sloes can also be made into a paste for whitening teeth and removing tartar.

The sloe berries taste better and not so bitter if harvested after a few frosts.

Ancient folk used to bury sloes in straw-lined pits for a few months to make them sweeter. A pit full of sloe stones was once discovered within a neolithic lake village in Glastonbury.

to read about the crafting potential of Blackthorn, please click here